VS Wiki

Welcome to VS Wiki
The wiki about comics and video game characters fighting each other that anyone can edit

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You are viewing the VS Wiki, which is running MediaWiki 1.39.7.
You are viewing revision -, which was made on 16 09 2021.
The wiki has 2,893 pages in total, with 11,611 edits.
The wiki has 4 sysops, and 3 bureaucrats.

535 articles since August 2008.

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What's new on VS Wiki

Wednesday, August 19, 2009/UPDATE!

Okay people on the site you can upload as many sprite images as you want since after all, this is VS Wiki. But, no naked pics! That is NOT what this site is for. Thankyou! Like O M G 17:16, 19 August 2009 (UTC)

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